Appraisal Process

How do we provide accurate, timely, and reliable appraisals?

Asset Valuation

Barker uses machine learning (AI) for predicting resale assets' valuations. These appraisals will be served through API endpoints that our partners can integrate directly with.

This integration allows us to serve customers quotes immediately, while also supporting Barker's ability to update models on a frequent basis. Keeping Barker's pricing up to date with market trends as they occur.

Machine Learning System Components

A price prediction machine learning system comprises of a few core components:

  1. Data Collection

  2. Model Building Pipeline

  3. Model Monitoring

  4. Model Serving

The reliability of these systems is paramount to building a system that can accurately appraise resale assets immediately. The below image captures these cores components in a representative flow diagram. Barker has built a machine learning system with these components to enable Barker's ability to appraise resale assets of all asset classes.

Last updated